Monday, November 29, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

It's been a while since I skipped into a theater expecting a decent love story and stumbled upon cheap "Hollywood Porn" instead. (I probably should have known, based on the movie poster...but you know what they say about judging a book by its cover...)What a disappointment! I can't believe Anne Hathaway sold out and bore her breasts for the big screen. She was so bright and talented...I thought only losers like Tara Reid had to stoop to those levels. Sad, sad day it is...

As for Jake Gyllenhaal, it was clear why he played this role. He had to redeem himself from the character he played in Brokeback Mountain! How else are you going to shake the ever looming shadow of gayness than play a role where your co-stars are your penis and Anne!?!? So cheap!

The plot would have held strong without all the constant sexual activity. The story had the makings of a cute love story. All the "cuteness" dissipates with the scattered flesh scenes...if you forget for an instant what Jake's rear looks like, no worries, it will show up again within five minutes!

If the rumors are true about Jake dating Taylor Swift then I hope this movie doesn't cast a shadow on her as well...she seems too innocent and sweet to be with this perv! LOL

My opinion- don't waste your money...unless of course you're a perv too!

~Cinema Sampler


This was a very entertaining, humorous movie. The plot was solid, the character development was on-target, the climax was perfect! I can't tell you how many times we laughed!!! I don't remember the original story of Rapunzel from when I heard it as a child...I am sure that I'd NEVER heard the story like this!

Disney has itself another amazing princess. She's modern and classic. She's tough and delicate. She's independent and inspiring! I would happily proclaim her as a role model for our young ladies today.

My advice: young or old- GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

~Cinema Sampler

Monday, November 1, 2010

Scary Movies

I know I'm posting this a tad late to contribute to the tension building that leads up to Halloween...but, unfortunately I didn't find my inspiration for this entry until last night. So, when it's Christmas season, we watch Christmas movies and when it's Halloween season, we watch scary-as-all-heck movies. Here are the thrillers I watched this season;

1. A Haunting in Connecticut- Creep factor of about 7. The story is complete fiction...but it is not generic like many of its kind. The family is dealing with some real issues before they move into the house where strange events take place. The oldest son has advanced stage cancer. The dad is a recovering alcoholic. The mom is dedicated to keeping her family together. Then they rent the house...and the creepy stuff that happens makes my skin crawl. When the movie is over, the scare is gone...because it couldn't happen. The reality factor is at zero.

2. Halloween: the Resurrection- Creep factor of about 4. This movie is mostly stupid with a LOT of fake blood. If I could see the budget for the making of this film, I'm sure the highest line items would be A. Jamie Lee Curtis' paycheck, and B. Fake blood. I couldn't help letting out a few laughs at the scenes that were intended to strike terror in the lame.

3. Strangers- Creep factor of a solid 10!!!! This story is so scary because some sadistic freaks out there would actually attempt this type of thing. I've always felt like the scariest part of a movie is when you know the bad guy is there but you can't see him and neither can the victim. Throughout this movie the 'strangers' (1 man and 2 women) wear masks and show up seemingly out of nowhere. They never say very much...maybe 5 words through the whole movie (super creepy). They move slow and with intention. The power is in the hands of the strangers and they know it the entire time. I couldn't get my heart to beat normally for even a minute during this movie. As an adult, it is rare for a movie to give me bad dreams, but this one did it for me! SCARY!

4. Zombieland- Creep factor of 2. This movie was clearly not meant to be scary. I can't even tell you how many times I laughed throughout the film. My favorite things were the "Rules". If you need a good laugh to clear out the fear from watching Strangers, definitely watch Zombieland. Beware: contents include lots and lots of F-bombs.

Well, I hope this help you out...maybe you'll post your thoughts about these movies...?

~Cinema Sampler

The Town

Welcome back Ben Affleck! It seems like a hundred years since you've been in a decent movie! This one was all that it claimed to be. There was a solid plot, appropriate character development, and one HECK of an ending. If I were a nail biter I would have left the theater with bloody nubs on my hands...gross, I know. The suspense and impending doom lingered for just the right amount of time and then exploded into fast-paced, direction changing activity...when all the chips fell, the conclusion could not be more perfect.

The BEST thing about this movie is how perfectly each character was cast for their roles...from Ben (Doug MacRay) to Jon Hamm, who played the FBI Agent tracking down the bank robbers. When he threatened 'Doug' it was so intense that I really believed every word he said. I was at the edge of my seat the whole way through the experience!

If you like movies that have a LOT to offer, you will love this movie! My suggestion; GO SEE IT!!!

~Cinema Sampler

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some of the WORST Movies I've Ever Seen...

So, I was looking back at some of my early posts and I saw a question posted by a friend of mine that I hadn't responded to...So, Elaine, this post is in response to your question...Here are some of the WORST movies I've EVER seen!:

  1. American Psycho~ Dumbest movie EVER...I don't know how long it will be before I see a movie that knocks this one off of it's first place position! So VERY dumb!
  2. The New Daughter~ When an actor that I admire stars in a "Blockbuster Exclusive Movie" I feel obligated to give it a closer this case, not worth it! Very stupid! Kevin Costner, how could you let me down like that?!
  3. Eat, Pray, Love~ This analysis is based 100% on the previews as I couldn't even bring myself to sit (or sleep) through this one despite my love of Julia Roberts...sorry.
  4. Solaris~ I watched this movie during my imaginary love affair with George Clooney. Besides the full rear nude shot, it's not worth a thing! VERY bad plot...garbage! Sorry hun!
  5. 8 mm~ Many of you probably haven't ever heard of this movie. It stars Nicholas Cage in one of his WORST acting EVER in the history of his career. If he'd had a director worth a dime they could have made something great with this plot...oh sucks!
  6. From Dusk Till Dawn~ George Clooney is exceptionally HOT in this movie but it still was one of the dumbest movies ever made...what a waste of a perfectly good title with the perfect leading man...oops, my thoughts were trailing off...

Well, that's all I could muster up the give a darn for on this list...I'm sure I'll have some more bombers to throw rotten tomatoes at on a later date.

~Cinema Sampler

The Other Guys

At the risk of sounding like Simon Cowell, it was "utterly forgettable". There were some funny scenes, most of which were played out on the previews to build the hype for this movie...but most of the movie was awkwardly stupid. I actually felt sorry for Mark Wahlberg...this movie will will be a stain on his career. Will Farrell was a good fit. This is his kind of humor...and it works for him, he loses no face. Funny how that works, huh?!

Anyway, silly story filled with silly characters and unrealistic scenarios...other than the language and sexual inuendos, the movie could have been made to entertain 8 year old boys!

My opinion: Don't waste your money!

~Cinema Sampler

Friday, August 20, 2010

Twilight Saga: The First Three Movies

You may wonder why I have, up to this point, avoided writing any type of review on these films. I've seen each one as they have been released and even went to the midnight premier of the most recent one; Eclipse. For a long time, the story of the "forbidden" love between the young girl and the 109 year-old vampire seemed unappealing to me (even a little disturbing). I'd heard about the books from my friends, co-workers, even Pastors but all the talk had little effect on my preconceived notions that vampires, and stories about them, were lame. Vampires don't exist. Why would I read a story about something that isn't even plausible? It would be a waste of my time.

Then my daughter, at the age of 12, expressed intense interest in the story. She had checked out a couple of the books from her school library and began reading them. It was then that I realized that I wasn't comfortable with the idea of her immersing herself in this world of dark edged imagination when I didn't know what she would find. So, we went to the first movie. Having not read the books at all, I though the movie was ridiculous.

  1. There was no build-up leading to the connection of the main characters; Bella (17 year-old girl) and Edward (109 year-old vampire). I could pick up no hint of their chemistry as the movie unfolded. She seemed mildly curious and he seemed strangely intense (and looked like he had indigestion)...the next thing you know Bella is saying that she is "irrevocably in love with him"! And we wonder why teenagers are so irresponsible about love!?!
  2. What was the meadow scene about? Where was the significance? When making the movie, they must have assumed that only fans of the books would be watching it! If you hadn't read the books this would be a dumb scene...but here's the kicker, if you had read the books this scene would tick you OFF! The meadow scene is VERY significant in the first book...and if you've read Midnight Sun, you see even MORE significance that was overlooked in the making of the movie!

I decided to address with my daughter the irresponsible love depicted in the first movie. As I was explaining how that "head over heels", "caution to the wind", "ignore the warning signs", type of love can get you hooked up to a tweeker and knocked up by the time you're 15, she explained how Edward was such a gentleman and actually tried to save Bella "from" him...Where was this side of the story? So she filled in a few of the gaps for me and, for the time being, I was satisfied with her explanation.

On a "date night" in November (2009) my hubs and I randomly decided to see a movie. As it turned out, New Moon was just released and nothing better was playing so, why not...we saw the movie. I'd heard that the second movie had more funding than the first so it was going to be "much better". I still hadn't read any of the books that these movies are based on... Although the second movie was of higher quality, it still only told HALF of a story! It was irritating how choppy the plot was...

  1. It seemed very sudden and cruel how Edward extricated himself from Bella's life. Even so, her obsession with him was beyond reason...seriously? screaming every night? walking around like a zombie for MONTHS? Who died?
  2. Jacob's hissy fit at the theater was out of NO WHERE! It didn't even make sense...even after reading the book I still believe they could have done a WAY better job on that one! Michael Jackson's transformation into a warewolf in the Thriller video was more believeable than that scene! HA!
  3. If they'd done better with the meadow scene in the first movie then Bella's solitary visit to the meadow in New Moon would have been a reminiscing scene as it was meant...rather than appearing as an accidental, careless meander through the woods to this grassy opening...
  4. Everything about the Volturi...they just seem lame. If they're such tough guys, why would Edward try to be such a bad-ass while attempting to negotiate for his life as well as his sister's and Bella's? Lame.

Well, I was done trying to understand these movies! At this point there is nothing left for me to do but to read the darn books. This way, when I complained of the retardation I could include the books in my argument instead of getting the blow off everytime we reached the point of "you haven't even read the books"! I bought the set for my daughter at Christmas. She had read the first book already and offered to let me borrow it. I set my sarcasm aside...but not too far, in case I needed it...and I started the journey.

The first thing I noticed is that the author was actually intelligent! This was not your average hormone driven teenage drama garbage! There was substance, actual substance! I devoured the pages of the first book...then the second, on to Eclipse (which is my favorite by far) and finished up with Breaking Dawn...all four books in 9 days! My days were a blur! Every free second I had I was reading...fully enveloped in this compelling story, I couldn't wait to have more! OMGosh! I had become a fan of "Twilight" was I ever going to live this down? I'm a grown woman for crying out loud!

So, there we were...Elaine, Liz and me...sitting on the floor in the lobby of the movie theater at 11:00 pm in line to see the midnight showing of Eclipse. WHAT?!? I'd never seen the midnight show for ANY movie! I'm a 30+ woman, waiting to be of the first to see a movie for which the demographic is 13 year old girls!!!

The movie was great! It was easier to enjoy the movie when the missing parts of the story were inserted instantly by memory. There were, however, a couple of let-downs...

  1. Jacob's character is not played right on screen. Taylor Lautner is the perfect person to play Jacob Black, but I think the directors missed the essence of Jake. Who he is and why he is such a part of Bella is so important...but they lose it in trying to make him seem to desperate, and intense. Intensity is Edward's thing, Jake is the opposite...almost carefree!
  2. The kiss between Jake and Bella on the mountain top. What the bleep was that?!?! If ever a scene was botched in the history of incredible books-turned-movies, this was IT! So much happened in that kiss and the aftermath that just goes completely overlooked by the director of this movie...Stephanie Meyer, HOW COULD YOU STAND BY AND LET THEM DO THAT TO YOUR CREATION!?!?! Needless to say, I was dissapointed with the direction they took on that one.
  3. Edward was never in any danger during his battle with Victoria...the movie depicted him incorrectly. One of the things that women admire about thier men is that they are champion protectors. When you take that away from the man we are all suppposed to swoon after (not me of course, I'm 30+...sicko!) then you destroy the image. Edward was the ultimate protector and gentleman...if you lose that, he loses significance...he's just another guy (who drinks blood and will never die).

Now I am one of MILLIONS who will be held in suspense for over a year (until November 2011, to be exact) for the next big screen release of the saga. Yeah, we know what happens...we just want to see how it is brought to life on screen. Breaking Dawn will be shown in two parts. The second is scheduled to be released in November of 2012! They've got us right where they want us...they know we will maintain our interest until then...bastages!

I've said all I can say (for now) about this saga, these books, this epic story. If you haven't already, I suggest that you start the journey yourself now. Begin with the will be much less frustrating!

~Cinema Sampler

The A-Team

The A-Team was a good movie. I was a huge fan of the series when I was growing up. The A-Team and MacGyver provided me and my two brothers with plenty of adventurous, imaginative plots to play out in our back yard during the long summer breaks from school. The cast that was chosen to replay my favorite covert team was neat-o. I'm not a Bradley Cooper fan per se (I don't contribute to the drool collection on the floor of the theater when his movies are showing), but I think his personality was a fit for this gig.

My favorite character is always MURDOCK! He's crazy, unpredictable, fearless, and hilarious! I think we have a couple traits in common...HA! They cast the perfect Murdock for the movie!

The plot was just right for a series-turned-movie. Not too hard to follow - not boring or dull. I will probably even watch this one again when it is released on DVD. Once again, sorry for the delayed post...oops!
There is one hiccup in the's a very unrealistic scene with a cargo ship and a bunch of containers. When you watch the movie, you will probably have the same reaction that I did (head tilt, roll eyes and say, "come on"). Still, the majority of the movie plays well.

My advice; SEE IT!
~Cinema Sampler

Dinner for Schmucks

This post is a little late considering I saw the movie the night that it was released in theaters! Sorry, I'm a slacker!
If you are entertained by the repetative kick-in the pants humor of movies like "Meet the Parents" where the main character experiences a never-ending assault of mix-ups and screw ups...then you should find this movie very enjoyable.
If you are like me, this type of movie is more irritating than entertaining. I wanted to defend the poor guy (Tim), but my husband doesn't like it when I yell at the screen!!
As you can guess, Tim is not given the opportunity to explain anything that is going on until it looks as though he has lost it ALL. Don't worry, this is not the "typical" ending where everything comes back together in a nice little package...but I won't spoil it for ya.
Dinner for Schmucks is not a bad movie...I laughed out loud at times...but, I don't know if I would call it a good movie. So, I'll call it a mediocre movie. I'd suggest waiting for the rental.
~Cinema Sampler

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I'm not sure why I even rented this movie... The previews looked intriguing but, really, why would a mother of two beautiful daughters want to watch a movie about a neighbor who kills a young girl?!?! So, Mark Wahlberg did a great job (as I'm sure you know). The most emotion that I could attach to in this movie was from his character. I don't believe that Rachel Weisz performed as well...or maybe the focus was supposed to remain only on the father.
Stanley Tucci played a convincing role. As an ordinary neighbor man he looked and seemed to blend into his surroundings so well yet he was a serial murderer! The thought sends chills down your spine and makes you want to upgrade your door locks.
The daughter was a typical 14-year-old girl with an active social life and a loving family. As frustrating as it was to see how easily she fell into the trap, it was common in that time for people to be more trusting. I didn't like the new "place" she went was very strange. I think that really detracted from the whole movie. I know this type of thing has been done before (Ghost 1990) but this approach was, ...well....lame.

Anyway, my suggestion: PASS ON THIS MOVIE...even as a rental it's not that entertaining for the money!

~Cinema Sampler

Iron Man 2

The first Iron Man just about put me to sleep. Maybe because we saw it at the drive-in and it was late, or maybe because it had an incredibly slow start...either way, Iron Man 2 did not have the same effect on me. The movie lost no steam when introducing the new villain and providing his background information (who, by the way, is the most sinister bad guy that I've seen in a movie since "The Joker" in The Dark Knight!)
The action in the movie seemed much more significant than in the last as well. The relationship between Iron Man and "Pepper" has been developed into something with substance. I LOVE the addition of Scarlett Johansson! What a twist there...
Robert Downey Jr.'s face is getting a little creepy with age but his muscles are NOT! He is in great shape for this role! The only down-side to the whole thing is that I didn't discover until after we left he theater that there was a sneak preview of Iron Man 3 after the credits! BUMMER!
So, my advice is: GO SEE THIS MOVIE and stay after the credits!
~Cinema Sampler

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Date Night

I went with my hubster on opening night to see this movie. We got our favorite seats in the row behind the hand rails so we could put our feet up. Both of us enjoy the humor of Steve Carell and Tiny Fey, so naturally we were looking forward to seeing this movie...
The story was a familiar one for most married couples. There is a certain amount of "routine" involved in a relationship that lasts over years. One day, things that happen around you or to you cause you to lift an eyelid from your marital coma and realize that you have to bring some change to your marriage! Sometimes you don't anticipate the change that can come from polishing yourself up a bit!!!
This movie was a RIOT! Steve and Tina should do more movies together...their humor is so connected. There are some parts of the movie that contain a few strong words, but in this case it actually adds to the humor. The couple are in a few very uncomfortable situations that would bring foul words out of my mouth but when Steve's character finally releases a real "F-bomb" is hilarious!

My opinion: Go see this movie!! You can thank me later :-)

~Cinema Sampler

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ugly Truth

I don't know why I feel compelled to see every movie that stars Katherine Heigl. I've never been what I would call a I am of Johnny Depp and Sandra Bullock- but I seem to end up watching her movies one way or another. In this case, it was a rental.
Let me start by saying that I'm not proud of having seen this movie; the plot was weak, the dialog was exceptionally crude, and the acting was flat.

I'd write more but I'm at a loss for words...this movie was dumb...

~Cinema Sampler

Alice in Wonderland 3D

Johnny Depp has more talent than anyone in Hollywood. He takes on some of the most odd characters and makes them AMAZING! This movie is NOT a remake of the original story of Alice's visit to's a new visit many years later.
The villains are scarier than in the past, probably because they are not cartoons and they have some fierce teeth! The "fat boys" are a happy reminder of the original story as well as the rabbit.
The only bad thing about this movie is the 3D version. There is not a lot that needs to be 3D to enhance this movie but there are so many 3D elements in a single shot that it makes your eyes hurt at times. For a person that has perfect 20/20 vision, I found several scenes to be over stimulating with 3D.
Other than that, this was a GREAT movie...GO SEE IT! :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010


I have never thought of Liam Neeson as the star of an action/suspense/drama. He's not a Gerard Butler or a Mel Gibson, or even a Russell how does he do in Taken? Very well actually! It didn't take long to make a believer out of me. He is capable of holding the intensity of a scene and building up the plot without seeming out of character. I was pleasantly surprised.
The story was well developed also. A daddy who just wanted to make his little girl happy after years of being kept from her by his career...who, despite his ex-wife's ignorance, wants to ensure that his daughter is always safe...finds himself in his worst nightmare! She's been taken! By whom and for what reason is the really interesting part. The suspense is built even more by the imaginary clock that is ticking away her chances of ever being found again!
It reminds me of a different movie about naive travelers: "Brokedown Palace" (1999). Another good rental!

My opinion: RENT THIS MOVIE!

~Cinema Sampler

Movie-Going Etiquette

Going to the movies is fun. It's meant for everyone to enjoy. So, if you are going to the movies, here are a couple of tips to ensure a happy experience for all:

1. Get there early- if you want great seating arrive early. Don't come in at preview time and ask the couple who were there an hour prior to move down from there chosen seats to make room for you and your guest. That is RUDE. (and, by the way, you're blocking the previews so move along).

2. Pre-movie banter should be kept at a low volume- if you arrive early and are sitting within earshot of another couple, please do not discuss your bathroom activity! I know the movie is not playing but, for real, we don't want to hear that! (p.s. you should try Pepto chewables, portable and effective).

3. Don't smack the snacks- movie snacks are a favorite of a lot of movie-goers. As with anything you consume, do so with your mouth closed as you chew. (Jujubees are dangerous candies)

4. Use the potty before the movie starts- consider the previews your "last call" for a bathroom break...especially if you are in the middle of the row! (slow your roll on that Dr. Pepper buddy)

5. SSSSHHHHH!- every movie-goer should know this one by now...don't talk during the movie! This includes loud, boisterous laughing and yelling at the screen. (hey lady, was it really THAT funny when the guy's head was blown off!?!)

EXTRA TIP~ Everyone goes to the bathroom when a movie is let out. If you know you'll have to go too, look around for bathrooms outside of the theater before you go in. If you're at a mall theater, the restrooms will be easy to locate and MUCH less crowded after the movie :-)

Let's protect our happy place and all of us agree to follow these simple suggestions.

Valentine's Day

Did you see the list of stars in this movie!?! OMGosh there were too many to count! Which usually means there won't be too much depth in any one of their stories. That was the case in this movie; however, they still managed to tell you enough about each of the characters that you weren't bored and you were somewhat invested in the outcomes. The characters who seemed to be at the center of the all-connected stories are Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher. They are so wholesome and sweet in this movie...they will have you rooting for them. The heart-stealer of the movie, though, is the little blonde-haired boy...right up to the last few minutes.
This movie has teenage, make-you-wanna-vomit puppy love, old couple still-surviving-big-storms love, new, my-girlfriend-has-a-gross-job love, man love (nothing physically displayed), "I didn't know I loved you" love, and "I hate love" love, along with some great family love...So, true to it's name, Valentine's Day is full of LOVE.
My suggestion; wait for this to be released on DVD and watch with some girlfriends for a little chuckle and some girl-power moments! Spend the money you save on some yummy chocolates (Jessica Biel's character might make you crave them)!

RENT this movie!
~Cinema Sampler

The Edge of Darkness

I had been waiting for this movie to come out since I saw the trailer play just before "New Moon" in November. The movie had intrigued me for two reasons; 1. I love Mel Gibson as an incredible actor!, and 2. I really enjoy a conspiracy-laced suspense movie.
The plot started out pretty thick with his daughter being murdered within the first 10 minutes. Then you bring in a few shady characters like the officer who is supposed to be his buddy (but there's something amiss there), and the boyfriend/freak, and the mystery man in the backyard...then the questions that lead him to the conspiracy. BUT, that's where the movie gets a little off track. There are some people who die in the movie because of what they know...however, if what they knew was a true threat, why didn't they get killed sooner...I saw some holes in the story there. The significance of the back-yard mystery man was never really defined. Then, at the end of the movie, he does something that is completely unexpected and feels like it doesn't even fit into the movie. Even today, I can't tell you the point of his actions.
But, if you are going to this movie to see Mel Gibson's very talented acting and can overlook a few flaws in his director's judgment, I think you could still enjoy it.
I will call this a good movie, but that is based on the great scenes of the movie that I won't give away! So, check it out!
~Cinema Sampler

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Update: Law Abiding Citizen

I realize there are some of you that still have not seen Law Abiding Citizen in the theater. I must say that experiencing this movie on a large screen with surround sound is important. So, unless you have a 60 inch with Bose surround sound in your living room, I suggest you take the last opportunity you will have and watch this movie at Picture Show at Superstition Springs Mall.
For $2 per person you can enjoy the movie in the format it was created for. Cheap seats, cheap snacks, and a great can you beat that!?!
Now, if you are having trouble getting away from the kids to catch this movie...might I suggest going to "Date Night" at Living Word Bible Church in Mesa, AZ. When you attend Saturday service from 5pm-6pm they will keep and feed your kids while you go out on a date! FOR FREE!!
Now that I have taken away all of your excuses, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

~Cinema Sampler

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Most Rented Movies of 2009

According to Redbox DVD rentals, the top five most rented movies of 2009 were:

5. Knowing (I saw it...the material was good until closer to the end...then it stunk!)

4. Gran Torino (I saw it...slow but good...classic Clint)

3. Taken (haven't seen it...but I want to)

2. The Proposal (I saw it...I loved it...I own it!)

And the number 1 most rented movie of 2009 was........

1. Paul Blart: Mall Cop (I saw was funny...though not worthy of number 1)

~Cinema Sampler

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Robert Downey Jr. was PERFECTLY cast for this role. Much like Johnny Depp was able to own the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean perfectly. This movie had some interesting cinematic elements to it...with jumping ahead briefly and flashing back a couple of times. But it was not extreme to the point of creating confusion.
Parts of the movie had us laughing out loud while other scenes had me at the edge of my seat (I think I even jumped at one part). The action was great. The story was a bit unrealistic, but it was interesting enough to pull me in and lead me through to the end. All the loose ends were tied up neatly at the end in a very entertaining and "Sherlock Holmes" way. The ONLY thing that was missing from this movie was his giant magnifying glass!
If there were a down side it would be that there is a lot of exploration of black magic through his investigation. Some people may find that disturbing, however, it was not glorified in any way and the end cleared many things up...but I won't spoil it for you!
No bad language and no real nudity outweighed the concern I would have had anyway.

My opinion: GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

~Cinema Sampler