Monday, November 29, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

It's been a while since I skipped into a theater expecting a decent love story and stumbled upon cheap "Hollywood Porn" instead. (I probably should have known, based on the movie poster...but you know what they say about judging a book by its cover...)What a disappointment! I can't believe Anne Hathaway sold out and bore her breasts for the big screen. She was so bright and talented...I thought only losers like Tara Reid had to stoop to those levels. Sad, sad day it is...

As for Jake Gyllenhaal, it was clear why he played this role. He had to redeem himself from the character he played in Brokeback Mountain! How else are you going to shake the ever looming shadow of gayness than play a role where your co-stars are your penis and Anne!?!? So cheap!

The plot would have held strong without all the constant sexual activity. The story had the makings of a cute love story. All the "cuteness" dissipates with the scattered flesh scenes...if you forget for an instant what Jake's rear looks like, no worries, it will show up again within five minutes!

If the rumors are true about Jake dating Taylor Swift then I hope this movie doesn't cast a shadow on her as well...she seems too innocent and sweet to be with this perv! LOL

My opinion- don't waste your money...unless of course you're a perv too!

~Cinema Sampler

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