Friday, May 21, 2010

Iron Man 2

The first Iron Man just about put me to sleep. Maybe because we saw it at the drive-in and it was late, or maybe because it had an incredibly slow start...either way, Iron Man 2 did not have the same effect on me. The movie lost no steam when introducing the new villain and providing his background information (who, by the way, is the most sinister bad guy that I've seen in a movie since "The Joker" in The Dark Knight!)
The action in the movie seemed much more significant than in the last as well. The relationship between Iron Man and "Pepper" has been developed into something with substance. I LOVE the addition of Scarlett Johansson! What a twist there...
Robert Downey Jr.'s face is getting a little creepy with age but his muscles are NOT! He is in great shape for this role! The only down-side to the whole thing is that I didn't discover until after we left he theater that there was a sneak preview of Iron Man 3 after the credits! BUMMER!
So, my advice is: GO SEE THIS MOVIE and stay after the credits!
~Cinema Sampler

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