Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

Did you see the list of stars in this movie!?! OMGosh there were too many to count! Which usually means there won't be too much depth in any one of their stories. That was the case in this movie; however, they still managed to tell you enough about each of the characters that you weren't bored and you were somewhat invested in the outcomes. The characters who seemed to be at the center of the all-connected stories are Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher. They are so wholesome and sweet in this movie...they will have you rooting for them. The heart-stealer of the movie, though, is the little blonde-haired boy...right up to the last few minutes.
This movie has teenage, make-you-wanna-vomit puppy love, old couple still-surviving-big-storms love, new, my-girlfriend-has-a-gross-job love, man love (nothing physically displayed), "I didn't know I loved you" love, and "I hate love" love, along with some great family love...So, true to it's name, Valentine's Day is full of LOVE.
My suggestion; wait for this to be released on DVD and watch with some girlfriends for a little chuckle and some girl-power moments! Spend the money you save on some yummy chocolates (Jessica Biel's character might make you crave them)!

RENT this movie!
~Cinema Sampler

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