Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Invention of Lying

Ricky Gervais is a very funny actor...mostly because his humor is unexpected and sarcastic. It's really too bad he agreed to use his humor and talent for this movie. If you've seen Ghost Town and liked it, you would probably think that you will like this movie as well.
In the beginning of the movie it is made blatantly obvious that there is complete, brutal, awkward honesty at all times. If you waste your time watching this movie you will discover what I mean. Tasteless humor has tricked a laugh or two out of me in the past but, as it is used in this movie, it's not funny.
There are some laugh worthy parts of the movie, most of which are shared in the previews. But the most disturbing thing about this movie is when the main character created "God" as a lie to bring him power and everyone fell for it...So, if you're an atheist you should love this movie and proclaim it as your cinematic bible. But if you're like me and believe in God as our creator you will get a very strong urge to walk out of the movie and write a blog about how it was insulting to your core beliefs.

~Cinema Sampler

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