Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Invention of Lying

Ricky Gervais is a very funny actor...mostly because his humor is unexpected and sarcastic. It's really too bad he agreed to use his humor and talent for this movie. If you've seen Ghost Town and liked it, you would probably think that you will like this movie as well.
In the beginning of the movie it is made blatantly obvious that there is complete, brutal, awkward honesty at all times. If you waste your time watching this movie you will discover what I mean. Tasteless humor has tricked a laugh or two out of me in the past but, as it is used in this movie, it's not funny.
There are some laugh worthy parts of the movie, most of which are shared in the previews. But the most disturbing thing about this movie is when the main character created "God" as a lie to bring him power and everyone fell for it...So, if you're an atheist you should love this movie and proclaim it as your cinematic bible. But if you're like me and believe in God as our creator you will get a very strong urge to walk out of the movie and write a blog about how it was insulting to your core beliefs.

~Cinema Sampler

The Blind Side

"Look at the wall. Christian, we either take that seriously or we paint over it!" Best line in a movie since "I'll be back"!
While a few of the details in the movie were not true to real life, many were. This movie was funny, clever, sincere and inspiring! I will own it the second it is released on DVD.
This true story is proof that there are still people willing to take a gamble and invest themselves in another person. And that person is willing to not kill them and steal from them, which is a very important point.
The story of Michael Oher doesn't have a pleasant beginning. Choosing not to be a victim of his circumstance but making the most of what he had was the key factor that allowed him to overcome the statistics of the ghetto.
People are talking about Sandra Bullock's acting in this movie, that it was superb. Of course it is! She is VERY good at her job and I believe she is perfect for movies like this.
The last time I was THIS inspired by a film was when I saw "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith (another amazing actor and another true story).


~Cinema Sampler

Law Abiding Citizen

There have been many failed attempts at making a truly suspenseful movie lately. However, this movie happens to do a GREAT job! First of all, I have not been a huge fan of Gerard Butler up to now. "P.S. I Love You" was one of the DUMBEST movies I had ever seen. But Jamie Foxx is a very talented actor and the plot seemed like a sturdy one.
The movie is in high gear from the first five minutes until the final seconds. The only predictable scenes were seconds before something (or someone) blew up! Gerard won me over with this character! You want to root for him because he is one of us (a law abiding citizen suffering a huge injustice)...but then you see what he does and it's pretty brutal. I admit, I covered my eyes through some scenes...I may never eat a T-bone again. But the plot held up right through to the end and the acting from the two main characters was flawless!
If you like suspense/action and you can tolerate some gore...SEE THIS MOVIE!!!


Movies! I love movies. A well executed movie has the power to create emotions, change feelings, expand horizons and inspire self-reflection. We become admirers of actors and actresses as they pull us into their characters with their fine-tuned skills born from natural talent. Some movies leave us breathless while others disappoint. Some incite involuntary outbursts of laughter and still others create confusion. Some movies are suspenseful and some movies are predictable.
The creative mind is for sale on the big screen...and I buy it! I developed this blog to provide my opinions about movies and the cast thereof. You may find it useful or you may not. It won't hurt my feelings if you disagree with me. I am merely using this blog as an outlet of my own.

~Cinema Sampler